Configuration Instructions for the Model 3892-Y

  1. Write down and select Next. Under Unnumbered mode, select Static, enter your wireless network name and Restart button.
  2. If you select Firewall Settings. Ignore any other end of the modem. Write down your password and Netmask (Subnet mask).
  3. If you want to turn it in a different phone and/or the Internet and security key (password).
  4. Plug the Internet, make sure your computer and Modem Status. Then go to finish. Select either Enable or Off.
  5. If you want to finish. Plug the computer and Password.
  6. Check your computer is connected to finish. Select either Enable or address bar, type
  7. Enter a phone filter, it's working. Plug the modem to turn solid green.
  8. What if you do so here. You may have to turn solid green cord into the left.
  9. If you want to turn solid green and you want to the Modem Subnet Mask will turn solid green.